
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Testing, testing..

Finding the perfect blogging site has turned out to be fairly difficult.
I'm going to give blogger a try for now - I have a tumblr blog that I have tried to use, but it didn't feel user friendly enough.

I'm going to be brave and post this for friends and family to see this time around. I also want to post more often - imagine that!
I have a link to the right of your screen that allows you to follow my blog by email - so you can be emailed when I post.

This blog will be about my life, teaching, my relationships, my everything. I'm just going to let it all out! It may or may not be entertaining, but join me on this ride.

Please comment or give me feedback - I need to feel like SOMEONE other than myself is reading this.
(and so I don't feel like a crazy person talking to myself)

Enjoy your Sunday! It is beautiful out!


  1. This is an awesome idea Sabrina! I love that you are doing this! It gives you an outlet for all that we go through in our journey to becoming teachers!
    Love you friend!!

    1. Thank you love! I think we all need to do something like this. I'm excited to start posting more!

  2. You aren't talking to yourself! There are so many people in your life who value what you have to say and I think that this is a great way for you to say it to everybody all at once!
